
Friday 2 March 2012

Music and Movement Workshop

HK Dalcroze Center

Music and Movement Workshop through Dalcroze in HKUST Art Festival


 Date: 8, 15, 22, 29 Mar 2012 (Thursdays) by Sui Ming Chu 

Anyone interested in learning music, understanding its meaning through time space and energy, getting inspiration for your own art, developing your creativity or just wanting a good and fun time, please come along! You could contact me directly to register or through HKUST.


Workshops and  presentation in March 2012

These workshops will be based on games and exercises of Solfege, Rhythmics and Improvisation: 

 “ Through singing, conducting, and body movements, we train the mind that perceives the music, the ear that hears it, and the body that performs it and expresses it creatively, and by experiencing various muscular sensations of tension and release, we would develop a deeper understanding of music, at both cognitive and emotional level”. 

We will also work on the realization and expression of musical elements in movement and sound through improvisation.  

This course is for students and teachers who would like  to deepen their knowledge of music; enhance their skills as a performer or teacher of the arts; find inspiration for their creativity; or simply enjoy music more. 

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